Looking to step up your game and toss out the shop rags or under-performing paper towels? Our full range of industrial cleaning products including our ProWipe® industrial line is focused on the critical cleaning of industrial manufacturing environments where the smallest measure can make the biggest difference. Our wipes are rugged, chemically compatible with common solvents & disinfectants, and offer the superior level of clean required to keep lint and particles out of your process allowing you to focus on the job at hand. Our committed team of industrial cleaning experts are here to help you every step of the journey, contact us today!
- Critical Industrial Cleaning Tasks
- Part & Component Cleaning
- Lens & Screen Cleaning
- General Industrial Cleaning
- Sanitizing & Disinfecting Surfaces
- Cleaning production Equipment
- Surface Preparation
- Refinishing Processes
- End-product Cleaning & Disinfection
- Meets Industry Standards
- High Solvent Resistance
- Critically Low Linting & Shedding
- Strong Abrasion Resistance
- High Purity, Safe in Use
- Low Cost in Use
New Industrial Products
Top Industrial Products

Durx® 670

Pro-Wipe® 880
Pro-Wipe® AP